Wednesday 13 June 2018

Dabbing or Vaping - Which is the Way to Go?

When it comes to using marijuana, we really have ourselves a lot of options nowadays. Most people are familiar with the standard, tried, and true method of ingesting cannabis - smoking flower. Smoking weed is a classic and time-tested form of enjoying the marijuana plant in a variety of ways. To this day, smoking remains the most popular and common form of cannabis ingestion, even amidst all the other options that we have now. However, cannabis extracted into the form of wax has become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason. The chemical compounds that are found in the cannabis plant can be extracted, isolated, and concentrated into a form of wax or oil. 

These processes are quite difficult and involve a lot of fancy science things, stuff that I do not get paid enough to explain in depth. At any rate, cannabis concentrates are starting to become more widely used throughout the United States, and I think there are a lot of good things to say about them. However, it is important to keep in mind that vaping or dabbing is a lot different than just smoking weed with a pipe or bong. Dabs and vapes can be incredibly potent, and are often too much for inexperienced users to handle. So before you go out and try a few hits off your friends vape, make sure you read the rest of this article to figure out what you need to know about marijuana concentrates. 

The first thing that we will talk about is vaping. Vaping is probably the most popular method of inhaling cannabis concentrates, and it is my personal favorite way to consume weed (second place to smoking flower, of course). Vaping is great for a few different reasons. The first reason is variety - there are so many different vapes, accessories, coils, temperature settings, and a whole lot more that allow you to really dial in your concentrated vaping experience. You can customize your own rig or simply rely on disposables like I do. Either way, you also have access to a huge variety of strains and potencies that come with cannabis concentrates. Vapes are basically just like e-cigarettes, except instead of smoking nicotine, you are using marijuana concentrate. 

Vaping involves placing the wax or oil inside the hearting chamber of your device, igniting it with a button (or in some cases, just by breathing in), and then inhaling the vapor that comes out the end into your mouth. It is super easy and basically anyone can do it. The great thing about vaping is that it allows you to use marijuana very effectively and easily. You don;t need to worry about grinding your weed, rolling it, or setting up a fancy bong rig - simply put your wax in and hit your vape. Plus, weed vapes are usually much more discreet than smoking flower and they are also extremely portable. Simply put your vape in your pocket on your way to a concert or event, and you can be puffing on that thing in no time without anyone knowing that you’re in the clouds with some THC my man.

Dabbing, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated than vaping, but they are still within the same wheelhouse. In order to use a dab, you are going to have to buy a dabbing rig similar to how a bong looks. Dabbing involves heating the area that you are going to place the cannabis concentrate before you actually put it there. All in all, vaping and dabbing are pretty similar, but when it comes down to it, it’s all about your specific preference.

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